Effective Strategies For Successful Parenting

Parenting Counseling



Do You Feel That Being A Parent In Today’s World is Tough?

Has your child’s behavior escalated and reached a boiling point? Do you struggle to motivate them to complete daily activities and follow simple directions? Is their behavior affecting their academic performance or friendships? Are you tired of them constantly arguing and negotiating with you?

Perhaps as a parent, you’re feeling increasingly frustrated and worried that your child isn’t reaching their full potential. Maybe you dread receiving another call from their school. It is especially tough when you don’t know how to support your child.

You may benefit from parenting counseling if you’re:

  • Worried about your child’s behavior, anxiety, or chronic illness

  • Exhausted from daily battles around mealtime, bathtime, or bedtime

  • Tired of constantly reminding your child to complete tasks

  • Disagreeing with your partner or co-parent about parenting/discipline strategies

  • Experiencing communication issues with your neurodivergent child (or partner)

Do you wish you had someone in your corner while you juggle parenting, work, school, and life in general? Perhaps the parenting coaching you’ve tried previously didn’t work or didn’t feel congruent with your parenting style. As both a parent and a therapist myself, I understand the unique challenges that raising children creates. I can help if you’re ready to end power struggles, set healthier boundaries, incorporate effective parenting strategies, and invest in your family’s wellness.

Parents Seek Counseling For A Multitude Of Reasons

Parents need help for all kinds of reasons and face all types of challenges when it comes to raising children. Parents can benefit from therapy as well as their children. Parenting counseling or coaching helps parents navigate difficulties with anxiety management, coping with a chronic illness, or managing behavior problems.

Anxiety Management

As a parent, you may struggle to cope with your own anxiety and even worry about how your tendency to worry affects your child’s mental health. Maybe your worries feel out of control and you often feel nervous or restless. Perhaps your anxiety is affecting your sleep, ability to concentrate, or overall quality of life.

Coping With A Chronic Medical Condition

Perhaps you’re struggling to cope after your child was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Maybe the stress of living with a chronic illness has taken a toll over time. Maybe your family is burned out from visits to medical subspecialty clinics, adhering to medical regimens, and seemingly endless to-do lists. You may feel worried, exhausted, and even helpless while putting on a brave face and doing your best to comfort your child.

Managing Behavior Problems

Maybe your child has behavioral problems, is strong-willed, and throws tantrums when told “no.” You’re constantly negotiating and reminding them to complete routine tasks like brushing their teeth. You try enforcing the rules about screen time, mealtime, or bedtime without success. Perhaps you’ve become accustomed to yelling or threatening to remove privileges before your child listens. Perhaps you’re exhausted from repeating yourself like a broken record. Whether the behavior problems are recent or longstanding, working with a parenting coach will teach you ways to extinguish negative behaviors and nip new ones in the bud.


Get In Touch

Coaching Can Help You Achieve Parenting Goals

Thanks to highly effective, research-proven parenting behavior management interventions, you can improve your child’s behavior. As a parent coach, I provide a warm and compassionate environment while helping you learn strategies to improve communication with your child, find alternatives to coercive parenting, end power struggles, engage in better limit setting, and maintain healthy boundaries.

You may have tried parenting strategies in the past without success. Although behavioral interventions seem straightforward, they are technical and success largely relies on accurate implementation as well as the clinician’s creativity and skill as they troubleshoot ways to achieve results and ensure long-lasting progress. Parenting counseling provides parents with a safe space to vent frustrations, ask questions, and discover solutions.

What To Expect In Parenting Coaching Sessions

Each parent is an individual with their own parenting, communication, and discipline styles. During the parent coaching process, I work on getting parents and caregivers on the same page because consistency is the key to success. I appreciate that time is limited, so we’ll work together to fit behavior modification interventions into your busy schedule. We’ll also identify any possible barriers to success and address them so that you’re set up for success and goals feel achievable.

As a coach, I’m here to actively listen and collaborate with you to reach identify actionable behavioral targets, creatively problem-solve, and work through underlying issues that keep you or your family stuck. We can delve deep to explore the factors that underlie, contribute to, and maintain dysfunctional patterns that get in the way of your effectiveness as a parent. Underlying issues may include dysfunctional dynamics, negative thought patterns, relationship conflict, health concerns, self-sabotaging tendencies, poor self-care, limiting beliefs, and self-doubt. You’ll also learn ways to co-regulate and be more in tune with your child. Parenting counseling always goes at your pace.

Tailoring The Parent Coaching Strategies

Through parenting coaching, parents become proficient in applying behavior modification strategies to address behavior challenges from tantrums to potty training. Many parents share that the strategies they learn in sessions for one child also work with their other children. Interventions and treatment plans are tailored depending on your goals and may include (but are not limited to) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Parent Management Training, and Parent-Child Interaction Therapy strategies.

I can help you through this process, tailoring each step to your family’s needs and goals. We can work together to develop strategies for the whole family. My approach to parent counseling and support comes from a place of hope and balance: believing that life challenges ebb & flow and difficulties can be ameliorated with the right combination of tools and strategies.

It may feel impossible right now, but you can get to the root of the problem and help your child succeed. You can be an effective parent. You can maintain and nurture your relationships. And I can help you get there. Contact me for more information about effective, evidence-based parenting strategies that work with your busy life.

I have 15 years of experience in providing parenting counseling to address challenging situations that can make life stressful for the whole family. Families can heal and reach their goals when they are committed to the therapeutic process. With a parent coach, you can feel supported while learning practical strategies to improve your child’s mood, anxiety, self-esteem, behavior, compliance, sleep quality, toileting, and eating habits.

You May Have Some Questions About Parenting Counseling…


Is parenting counseling where you tell me all the things I'm doing wrong?

Absolutely not. There’s no perfect parent and a good enough parent is all your child needs. I meet you where you are and build on your strengths (because there are a lot of things you're doing right!). Parents’ best intentions may be misguided and coaching to make minor adjustments and steer you in the right direction often yields major results.

All parents experience difficulty from time to time.  You’re in good company because many parents face difficulties with supporting an anxious child, addressing behavior issues, or seeing eye-to-eye with a partner or co-parent. Although it is normal to struggle as a parent, you don’t have to do it alone or go about it aimlessly. With the help of a compassionate therapist with expertise in parenting counseling, you can quickly find the best solution to address everyday challenges.

What if it turns out I'm a bad parent?

A bad parent wouldn't be seeking help for themselves and their child. The fact that you're concerned shows that you're a good parent. It takes courage to get help and you're on the right track by recognizing that what you’ve been trying isn’t working and it's time to bring in some reinforcements. You could use support and connecting with a behavioral specialist to provide guidance can make a world of difference. Behavioral techniques can be technical and you may just need some minor tweaks to see results.

What if my spouse/partner or co-parent disagrees about the need for parenting counseling?

We’re all individuals with different decision-making and problem-solving approaches, so it’s not uncommon for parents to not be on the same page when it comes to parenting or discipline styles. I’ll work closely with you both to help you get closer to the same page so that your respective styles are combined with effective, evidence-based approaches to best support your child.

Let’s work together to find solutions and help you feel better about parenting 

It doesn’t have to be so tough. You can be the parent you strive to be. If you’d like to learn more about parenting counseling, you can reach me by completing the contact form or calling 408-883-9477.  

Therapy for parents can help you:

  • Master parenting & discipline strategies that are congruent with your parenting style

  • Feel supported in managing your child’s health (e.g., insomnia, diabetes, seizures, headaches, IBS)

  • Improve self-care and set healthier boundaries

  • Improve communication with your children and partner

You are a wonderful, capable parent.



Additional questions about parent coaching

  • I offer virtual (phone or video) and shorter 25-30 minute sessions to make parenting counseling more convenient, accessible, and easier to fit into your busy life.

  • If your concerns about your child are largely behavioral (e.g., tantrums, non-compliance, potty training difficulties, picky eating, and sleep problems), I guide parents on implementing behavioral interventions so parents are able to use the strategies real-time in real-life situations and generalize these skills to any setting.

    I’m also available to meet with your child separately and/or together as a family.

  • I am flexible and accommodate based on your family’s meeting preferences. I am available to meet with parents together or separately.

    We may split up the session so I can meet with each parent at different times, or I can provide a brief written visit summary with recommendations that can be shared with the parent who was unable to attend. As always, I'm available for follow-up questions.

  • Reach out to schedule an initial visit or free 20-minute consultation by clicking here or the Contact button at the top of this page.


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