Effective Strategies For Successful Adulting

Therapy For Young Adults



Are You A Young Adult Who Feels Anxious About Your Future?

Have you found yourself asking questions like: Who am I? What’s my purpose? What am I working so hard for? What’s next?

Are you struggling to find your way in the world and become independent from your parents?

Do you suffer from imposter syndrome and worry that you lack the competence to succeed or measure up to others?

Maybe you’re entering college or the workforce or living on your own for the first time. Although part of you is excited to be independent, another part is overwhelmed by the laundry list of demands on your life. Perhaps you feel drained, burnt out, and paralyzed by anxiety—you’re constantly procrastinating, self-sabotaging, and struggling to get things done. While all your seemingly high-achieving peers are landing that high-paying gig and securing that big new promotion, you feel like you’re still stuck on the sidelines of life.

Deep down, you probably wish you had someone to talk to about all your self-doubts and uncertainties—someone who understood the stress of being young, ambitious, and on your own for the first time.

Your Relationships May Not Be The Same Anymore 

As you grow older and begin developing your own identity, you might experience a shift in your relationships with friends and family. Old friendships may have fallen by the wayside as you and your peers find it harder and harder to stay in touch. It’s like everyone is too busy for each other—the world moves by at a hundred miles per hour and you and your old friends continue to grow apart. Perhaps you’re worried that your old friends won’t be lifelong friends as you had once hoped. 

Additionally, there may be tension between you and your parents. On one hand, maybe you still seek their advice and depend on them for financial and emotional support. But on the other, perhaps you’ve realized that your worldview is different from theirs and you don’t share the same values as them anymore. Maybe you’re worried about how your family relationships will shift after you move away from home.

If you want help navigating all the changes in your life, we encourage you to connect with us. At Wildflower Psych, we specialize in providing therapy for young adults who are wrestling with life’s big existential questions and struggling in their relationships. We’re confident that we can help you manage your stress, let go of self-doubt, and experience peace in the midst of uncertainty

Young People Have It Tough In Today’s World

If you’re a young adult who feels like you’re questioning your life’s purpose, you’re not alone. This is a hectic, confusing, and stressful time of life. Despite what you see on Instagram and Tik Tok, not everyone’s life is all sunshine and rainbows. Millions of young adults are struggling just like you.

Nowadays, there’s an incredible amount of pressure on young people to get into prestigious schools and land amazing jobs and internships. There’s also a ton of pressure on social media to have the best content and the most followers. Add on the fact that we just went through a global pandemic—one which changed the way we do school and made us all more isolated than ever—and it’s no wonder so many young adults feel like they’re at their limit. Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues are simply the natural result of a society as turbulent as ours.

To try and find answers to their challenges, many young people turn to Tik Tok, self-help books, or even their friends. But a lot of the advice floating around in our culture is not 100-percent accurate, and friends—as well-meaning as they can be—are not always the most objective. To get to the bottom of your mental health struggles, sometimes you need the help of a wise and compassionate professional.


Therapy Can Help Young Adults Forge Their Own Identity And Become Who They Really Are

Let’s face it: there are probably things you’re not comfortable telling your friends and family. You might be afraid of being judged or burdening them with your worries. In therapy, you have a space to vent, laugh, cry, and share all your doubts without any reservations. Our therapists have lots of experience working with young adults—we know how stressful this period of life is, and we’re here to support you unconditionally. We’ll help you solve your challenges, open up about your feelings, and work through them at a pace that’s right for you.

We offer counseling for college students, recent graduates, young professionals, and anyone else struggling to navigate the challenges of young adulthood. We want you to take your challenges and see them as opportunities for growth. After all, your struggles are part of the journey of becoming who you are. We want to help you forge your own identity and use this time of life to get in touch with your needs, goals, and values. Rather than make decisions for you, we’ll empower you to find the answers within yourself and become more confident in making your own life choices.

What To Expect In Young Adult Therapy Sessions

At Wildflower Psych, our therapists draw from a wide range of evidence-based approaches to help young adults manage anxiety, depression, stress, and many other mental health conditions. Some of these include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)—The goal of CBT is to hold a mirror up to your thoughts so that you can “reality-test” them. If there’s a negative voice in your head that’s always told you “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never be successful in life,” CBT can help you challenge that voice and achieve a healthier, more empowering perspective.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)—This approach gives you practical skills for tolerating your distress, regulating your emotions, and improving your communication. Instead of getting derailed by your emotions, you’ll learn to press pause and ask yourself: What’s my goal in this situation? What kind of values do I want to guide my actions? What kind of skills can I use to manage my stress?

Mindfulness—So much of life is spent ruminating on the past and worrying about the future. The goal of mindfulness is to slow down, savor the moment, and increase your self-awareness. This can be done through breathwork, meditation, and other grounding exercises.

Ultimately, we believe that the strength to get through this time of life is already inside you. Therapy can help you connect with your inner strength, enabling you to improve your confidence, deepen your self-compassion, and become the person you’ve always wanted to be.

You May Have Some Questions About Therapy For Young Adults…


What if my schedule is too busy for therapy?

We understand that you’re busy, but taking a break every now and then can actually help you be more productive with your time. It allows you to recharge and save your energy for the things that really matter. What’s more, we offer virtual therapy for people who struggle to find space in their schedule. Although it’s best to start off with weekly sessions, we are very flexible and accommodating and you can always switch to biweekly sessions if your schedule gets busier.

What if you think I’m overreacting and my concerns are first-world problems?

Just as there are no dumb questions, there are no dumb problems. Your experience is unique and we are here to validate all worries and concerns, big and small. After all, this is not the adversity Olympics. Just because someone else seems to have a bigger problem does not mean your struggles aren’t worth addressing.

How long will therapy take?

The goal of therapy is to hone your skills so that eventually you can become your own therapist. Think of it like learning to ride a bike—you start with training wheels and then you reach a point where you don’t need them anymore. Once you feel that your goals have been reached and you’re able to tackle your issues without regularly scheduled sessions, you’re free to pause or discontinue therapy. That said, we are always available should you wish to return—therapy happens on your own terms and doesn’t need a definite start or end date.

Experience Peace In The Midst Of Uncertainty

This is a challenging time full of unanswered questions, and you deserve to have someone who can walk alongside you and provide comfort and understanding. To connect with a young adult therapist, you can use the contact form or call 408-883-9477.  


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